Discover the Benefits of Restorative Yoga: Supported Back Bend for Posture and Relaxation

Supported Back Bend At A Glance

Chest and Shoulder Opening: The Supported Back Bend gently stretches and opens the chest and the front of the shoulders. It's an excellent way to counteract the effects of hunching over desks or screens.

Posture Improvement: Do you struggle with rounded shoulders? This pose can help correct rounded shoulder posture, promoting better alignment.

Restorative yoga goes beyond posture correction. It's a practice that encourages relaxation, stress reduction, and mental clarity. This particular pose helps release tension that accumulates from daily activities, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

How To Practice

To begin, place a rolled-up towel under your neck and a bolster pillow or a large towel just below your shoulder blades. Rest in this supportive position for 3-5 minutes or longer, allowing your body to relax and release tension.

When exiting the pose, remember to roll off to the side slowly when finished. Take your time coming back to a seated position, being gentle with your body.

Let Us Know How You Do!

We hope you'll give the Supported Back Bend a try and experience the positive effects it can have on your posture and well-being. Feel free to tag us on instagram in you try it @chiroactiveliving. If you have any questions or would like to explore yoga or other wellness practices with us, please reach out.


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