Beyond the Grind: The Wonders of Proper Tongue Placement

Do you find yourself grinding your teeth at night, with pain in your jaw, or just overall discomfort? Well, we can help with that. With this exercise, a small change that can make a big difference in how you feel every day. Intrigued? Let's dive in and discover the surprising impact waiting right under your nose! We're delving into the fascinating world of proper tongue positioning this week. You might be surprised to learn that the simple act of placing your tongue correctly can have a profound impact on your well-being.

Benefits of Proper Tongue Positioning:

Wider smile and improved breathing: Imagine having more space for your teeth and easier nasal breathing – proper tongue positioning can do both!

Stress less, live better: Stimulation of specific nerves in your mouth can promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, leaving you feeling calmer and more centred.

Say goodbye to headaches and teeth grinding: Proper tongue placement can prevent jaw clenching and grinding, leading to a pain-free jaw and a healthier smile.

Want To See The Benefits For Yourself? Here’s How:

  1. Find your spot: Place the tip of your tongue on the hard palate, just above your top front teeth.

  2. Suction and flatten: Gently press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, creating a light suction.

  3. Relax and breathe: Close your mouth and breathe normally through your nose.

Bright Side (2022)

Remember, consistency is key! Practice proper tongue positioning throughout the day and see how your body responds. Share your experience with proper tongue positioning or ask any questions on our instagram! We're here to support your health in any way we can.


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