Pain BC: A resource for those suffering with chronic pain

Chronic pain is a leading cause of disability in Canada. Being in pain on such a persistent basis can have debilitating effects on one’s physical, emotional and practical aspects of life. These effects can also create stress on the loved ones of those who suffer.

If you are suffering chronic pain, Pain BC has developed several resources and programs to help you. These include:

1. Pain Support Line: Suffering chronic pain can be frustrating and lonely. Having someone to talk to about your pain and how it has affected your quality of life can be valuable. The Pain Support Line provides confidential conversation with trained personnel about your pain story, self-management strategies on how to better cope, and resources available to you.

2. Pain Support and Wellness Groups: Located in several cities and towns across British Columbia, these community-based groups meet to provide self-management education, ongoing peer mentorship and in-person support to people living with persistent pain.

3. Live Plan Be: A free online self-management tool for people living with chronic pain. Connect with others who live with pain, track your ongoing health and learn about the science of pain. Knowledge is powerful when it comes to pain.

These are just some of the available resources available at Pain BC. Do you like podcasts? Download Pain BC’s informative podcast ‘Pain Waves’ where listeners can hear leading chronic pain experts and people in pain discuss the latest in pain management research, tools, stories, and trends.

Dr. Chris Carter


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