Amy Carson – RMT, BSc.HMKN, 200HR YTT

I am very passionate about my practice as an RMT and am committed to continuing education and expanding my knowledge and ability

In 2014, I moved to Kelowna, BC to pursue a Human Kinetics Degree at UBCO. This degree gave me a strong understanding about our internal body processes as well as functional and dysfunctional movement patterns. After graduating in 2018, I was left curious and keen to continue my education. Shortly after, I enrolled and completed the Massage Therapy program at OVCMT. Here, I was able to expand my understanding of not only human anatomy, physiology and neurology, but also treatment modalities and how Massage Therapy can aid in injury recovery as well as optimal health and performance.


My goal as an RMT is to help people feel their best, whether it be to recover from an injury, help calm the nervous system in today’s increasingly stressful environment, or to move with less restriction and pain in everyday life. I believe in educating clients and empowering them with information on how to connect with their body through breathing, stretching and home care exercises.


Since moving to Kelowna, I have found myself drawn to the BC lifestyle, taking advantage of the beautiful opportunities for physical activity right in our back yard. Hiking and backpacking being one of my favourite summer activities has allowed me to see so much of what this amazing province has to offer. I also enjoy climbing, yoga, surfing, biking, snowboarding and backcountry touring.

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