Mind Body Rewired: An update from Mel
Hello beautiful Active Living Community!
I am SO excited to finally share the news… This past year has been a journey for me - to uncover WHY I wasn’t healing from injury as I should have. It gave me the opportunity to learn, grow, and dig deeper. Read more about my story here .
This led me to take a deep dive into studying the brain, mind, and neuroplasticity.
I have spent the past year studying German New Medicine and the connection between the symptoms in our bodies (at the level of the organ) and the conflict experienced at the level of the brain and psyche. Every unexpected conflict and our perception of that conflict leads to a biological change in our body at the level of the organ. My current interests with my GNM studies are in Musculoskeletal conditions/symptoms that don’t resolve with traditional treatment.
Learning this work has given me a deeper understanding of the symptoms we experience in our bodies and how our bodies are not working against us. We don’t need to fear our symptoms. With this new knowledge and my years of studying and experience in treating the body, I can now help people heal in a different way.
Along this journey to heal myself, I discovered the power of hypnosis and its incredible ability to shift our subconscious programming – to help us re-wire and create new neural pathways.
This work is so amazing, and I’m truly enjoying helping people in a different way; helping people uncover WHY they have the symptoms/behaviours/habits/thoughts/emotions/etc that they don’t want but don’t know how to change or why they continue to stay stuck - and then helping them REWIRE their subconscious to create the outcome(s) they desire.
I am so excited to serve and support clients in a new way as a Mind Body Master Practitioner and Hypnotist. You can learn about my current offers here .
I will no longer be offering Chiropractic services at this time as my interests are outside of the scope of practice for Chiropractors here in BC. I am grateful we have so many wonderful practitioners at Active Living to continue to serve our patients with hands-on treatment. My services generally take place over Zoom so my clients are in the comfort of their homes. Audios and homework are then sent after the call via email or dropbox.
Ways to work with me:
If you’d like to try my free hypnosis audio – Calm Your Nervous System – and hear about my future offers – get on my email list (here https://www.melbrandt.com)
I offer transformational coaching and hypnosis services which you can learn about here:
I am currently booking 1:1 clients into mid November and have space for 2 more new clients at this time.
If you would like to book a discovery call, please reach out to me at hello@melbrandt.com
I will also be offering Group Classes and Online Courses starting in the new year – get on my email list to hear about these future offers (they are really fun!).
If you would like to schedule a group hypnosis for a private group, reach out and let’s work together on it! We can pick a topic that works for your group.
You can also follow me on social where I will be posting more content on hypnosis and GNM and the benefits!
Instagram: @its_me_mel_b
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mindbodyrewired
Lastly, for our ALC community, if any clients would like to dive in and book your 6-8 week transformational offer, I am offering a discount of $500US off my current packages until Dec 31, 2022. Use the link below to access my online booking, and use coupon code ALC500OFF if you would like to take advantage of this special discount!
That's it for now. Let me know if you have any questions hello@melbrandt.com!!
Mel Brandt
Mind Body Master Practitioner & Hypnotist