Active Kids - The Importance of Physical Activity

I recently finished another season of coaching youth hockey, which I cherish. This past season was structured differently due to restrictions, however, I was so impressed with the resiliency of our kids who endured many new rules and changes in play format.

As I reflect on the season and now look forward to upcoming baseball, it reminds me how important physical activity is for children's health and well-being. The Canadian Paediatric Society provides an excellent resource, Caring for Kids Physical activity for children and youth | Caring for kids, discussing this significance:

Helps keep the heart and lungs strong and healthy

Improves flexibility

Assists in developing strong bones

Helps keep a healthy body weight

Lowers the risk of several diseases and health problems

Improves mood and self-esteem

Helps kids do better in school

The Caring for Kids resource includes age-appropriate recommendations for infants up to 17 years old: How much exercise, examples of organized and casual activities, modifications for children with health concerns, and other tips for keeping our kids active and moving.

On behalf of Active Living, wishing you all a safe and healthy spring.

Dr. Chris Carter, BSc, DC, MSc(PainMgt)

Active Living Chiropractic

Kelowna, BC, Canada


'Pain in the @ss': Otherwise Known as Sciatica


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