Our lovely RMT Carly takes us through her favourite foam rolling moves: simple & effective

#1 Dynamic lat stretch with thoracic erector spinae muscle roll out. For more over-pressure you can shift all of your weight to one side of the spine at a time but this was a simple flat roll out.


#2 Gravitational pectoralis release, adding a bit of external rotation as well. Elbows and forearm directed towards the ground for 90 seconds x 3 sets


#3 Work out the pile up of muscles under the armpit- add external and internal rotation movements to get more of a release through the rotator cuff muscles while compressing into the build up area below the armpit! 


If you have any questions about these exercises, or foam rolling in general, contact me at the clinic with your questions! When I'm not working in the clinic as an RMT,  I also work as personal and group fitness trainer at All Out Fitness in West Kelowna so if you have health and fitness-related questions, or goals that you need help reaching - contact me! 

Carly Robertson, RMT


Routine. Revolution


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